
Central Banks Drive Gold’s Rally: A Sign of the Times

The price of gold has been on an upward trajectory in recent months, driven by rising interest rates and geopolitical tensions. While the prospect of a soft landing for the US economy has tempered some investors’ enthusiasm for gold, central banks’ increasing appetite for the metal suggests that gold’s allure as a store of value remains strong.

Gold’s Enduring Appeal

Gold has long been prized for its scarcity, durability, and lack of counterparty risk. In a world of rising uncertainty, these qualities make gold an attractive asset for investors seeking to preserve their wealth.

Factors Driving Gold’s Recent Rally

  • Rising interest rates: The Federal Reserve’s aggressive rate hikes have made other assets, such as stocks, less attractive, leading investors to seek refuge in gold.

  • Geopolitical unrest: The war in Ukraine and other geopolitical tensions have heightened concerns about global stability, further fueling demand for gold as a safe haven asset.

Central Banks’ Diversification into Gold

Central banks around the world have been steadily increasing their gold holdings in recent years, reflecting a growing desire to diversify their reserves away from US dollars. This trend is likely to continue, as central banks seek to hedge against risks associated with the US dollar and the global financial system.

Central Bank Gold Holdings

Year Central Bank Gold Holdings (tonnes)
2023 36,500
2022 35,000
2021 33,000
2020 32,000
2019 31,000

Implications of Central Bank Gold Purchases

Central banks’ gold purchases are not just providing demand for the metal; they also signal a growing sense of unease about the global order. The experience of Russia’s central bank, which had its dollar-denominated reserves frozen following the invasion of Ukraine, has reinforced the appeal of gold as a safe haven asset.


Gold’s recent rally reflects its enduring appeal as a store of value in times of uncertainty. As interest rates rise and geopolitical tensions persist, gold is likely to remain a sought-after asset for investors seeking to preserve their wealth. Moreover, central banks’ increasing gold holdings signal a growing recognition of the need for diversification away from traditional reserve currencies. As the global order becomes more fractious, gold is likely to continue to play a prominent role in central bank portfolios.

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